Details サイズ:高さ 12 × 幅 20cm × 奥行き 4cm
Materials 牛革 / ポリ塩化ビニル
< ミックスマッチシリーズ について > 用途に合わせた形を組み合わせて作るバッグシリーズ。 お好きな素材や色を組み合わせて自由自在にカスタムしていただけます。
Details Size : H 12 × W 20cm × D 4cm
Materials COWHIDE / PVC
Made in JAPAN
A horizontal smartphone pouch made of a mix of cowhide and PVC material, with an outside pocket made of PVC material to hold a smartphone. a shoulder strap (sold separately) can be attached to the D-ring. TR41BG076 is a great value set product which contains shoulder strap. <About the Mix Match Series> A collection that can be mixed and combine various materials and colors. You can customize it how ever you like.
<About the Mix Match Series> A collection that can be mixed and combine various materials and colors. You can customize it how ever you like.